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Version: 20.x


Detox uses matchers to match UI elements in your app.

Use actions to simulate use interaction with elements and expectations to verify element states.

Note: For best results, it is recommended to match elements by unique identifiers. Matching by text or labels can introduce test flakiness when your app’s text change or when changing your app’s localization.


Match elements with the specified accessibility identifier. In React Native, this corresponds to the value in the testID prop.


Supports regex matching.



Match elements with the specified accessibility label (iOS) or content description (Android). In React Native, this corresponds to the value in the accessibilityLabel prop.


Supports regex matching.



Match elements with the specified text.

element(by.text('Tap Me'));

Supports regex matching.

element(by.text(/^Tap .*$/));


Matches elements whose class is, or inherits from, the specified class name. On Android, provide the class canonical name.

Note: iOS and Android class names differ.

element(by.type('RCTImageView')); //iOS class name
element(by.type('android.widget.ImageView')); //Android class canonical name

by.traits([traits]) iOS Only

Matches elements by their accessibility traits.

Currently supported values:

"none" "button" "link" "header" "searchField" "image" "selected" "playsSound" "keyboardKey" "staticText" "summaryElement" "notEnabled" "updatesFrequently" "startsMediaSession" "adjustable" "allowsDirectInteraction" "causesPageTurn" "tabBar"



Matches elements with an ancestor that matches the specified matcher.



Matches elements with at least one descendant that matches the specified matcher.



Matches elements by combining several matchers together.

element('uniqueId').and(by.text('some text')));


If a matcher resolves into multiple matched UI elements, you may specify which element to use by its index.

On iOS, matched elements are sorted by their x and y axes.

Note: Due to different underlying implementations of Detox on iOS and Android, as well as other differences in the OS implementations, as well as RN implementation differences on each OS, indices may not match between iOS and Android. Relying on indices may also introduce flakiness in your tests as your app’s user interface is updated. It is recommended to use unique identifier matchers for your elements.


Regex matching

For supported matchers (id, label, text), you can also utilize regex (Regular Expressions) alongside certain flags. Here's a table with the supported flags:

iIgnore CasingMakes the expression search case-insensitively.
sDot AllMakes the wild character . match newlines as well.
mMultilineMakes the boundary characters (^ and $) match the beginning and ending of every single line instead of the beginning and ending of the whole string.

Regular expression flags such as g (global) and y (sticky) that are not supported, as well as u (unicode) which is always implied, are ignored when parsing input.

Pay attention that as of writing this note, Android supports lookbehind assertions in its regular expression implementation, while iOS does not. It's advisable to check the official platform-specific documentation for limitations.

The following sample code snippet matches text starting with "Tap" followed by any number of alphabetic characters, case-insensitively:

element(by.text(/Tap [A-Za-z]+/i));