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Version: 7.32.1

Changing fonts

Before you begin using your own fonts, you'll first need to add them to the app project.

  • Android - add the .ttf or .otf files to src/main/assets/fonts/
  • iOS - follow this guide

Once we've added the font files to our project, we can star using them in options.


When declaring fonts in options, use only the file name without the file type suffix.

BottomTab font#

options: {
bottomTab: {
fontFamily: 'helvetica'

Button font#

options: {
rightButtons: [
text: 'Save',
fontFamily: 'helvetica'
leftButtons: [
text: 'Cancel',
fontFamily: 'helvetica'

Title font#

options: {
topBar: {
title: {
fontFamily: 'helvetica'

Subtitle font#

options: {
topBar: {
subtitle: {
fontFamily: 'helvetica'

Back button#

In iOS the back button will display the title of the previous screen. Use the backButton option to modify its font family.

options: {
topBar: {
backButton: {
fontFamily: 'helvetica'