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Asking Questions

Posting queries on public forums increases visibility and chances of getting an answer, and it also helps others with similar issues. However, it's essential to ask questions the right way to get the right answers.

In case you were able to resolve your issue, consider sharing your solution with the community. By doing so, you contribute to enhancing Detox for the entire community.

Before Asking

In case you're facing an issue, consider the following steps before posting a question:

  • Suspect a bug? Refer to our Reporting Bugs guide to determine if you've encountered a Detox bug and how to report it.
  • Search for existing answers that may have addressed your question already. Below, we've listed the right platforms to ask (and search) questions.
  • Review our documentation thoroughly for any related information. Use the search bar in the top right corner to streamline your search.

If an existing answer doesn't fully address your question, feel free to ask a follow-up in the same thread if comment-enabled or create a new question, linking back to the original one if possible.

Where to Ask

If you can't find an answer to your question, you can ask it in the following ways:

Pro Tip

When posting a question, ensure to include all relevant information, such as code snippets, screenshots, and examples. This practice helps others understand your query and provide comprehensive answers.