Handling Notification Events

When a push notification is received by the device, the application can be in one of the following states:

  1. Foreground: When the app is running and is used by the user right now; in this case, a notificationReceivedForeground event will be fired, do not forget to invoke completion() callback.
  2. Background: notificationReceivedBackground event will be fired, do not forget to invoke completion() callback. To receive background notifications on iOS follow this guide

Finally, when a notification is opened by the device user (i.e. tapped-on), a notificationOpened event is fired, here as well you need to remember invoking completion() callback.


constructor() {
Notifications.events().registerNotificationReceivedForeground((notification: Notification, completion: (response: NotificationCompletion) => void) => {
console.log("Notification Received - Foreground", notification.payload);
// Calling completion on iOS with `alert: true` will present the native iOS inApp notification.
completion({alert: true, sound: true, badge: false});
Notifications.events().registerNotificationOpened((notification: Notification, completion: () => void, action: NotificationActionResponse) => {
console.log("Notification opened by device user", notification.payload);
console.log(`Notification opened with an action identifier: ${action.identifier} and response text: ${action.text}`);
Notifications.events().registerNotificationReceivedBackground((notification: Notification, completion: (response: NotificationCompletion) => void) => {
console.log("Notification Received - Background", notification.payload);
// Calling completion on iOS with `alert: true` will present the native iOS inApp notification.
completion({alert: true, sound: true, badge: false});

Notification Object

When you receive a push notification, you'll get an instance of Notification object, contains the following methods:

Querying initial notification

React-Native's PushNotificationsIOS.getInitialNotification() allows for the async retrieval of the original notification used to open the App on iOS, but it has no equivalent implementation for Android.

import {Notifications} from 'react-native-notifications';
.then((notification) => {
console.log("Initial notification was:", (notification ? notification.payload : 'N/A'));
.catch((err) => console.error("getInitialNotifiation() failed", err));

Notifications are considered 'initial' under the following terms:

  • User tapped on a notification, AND -
  • App was either not running at all ("dead" state), OR it existed in the background with no running activities associated with it.