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Version: 19.x

Setting Up an iOS Development & Testing Environment

Setting Up an iOS Development & Testing Environment

This guide sums up the tools required for an environment for running automated UI tests using iOS simulators (using Detox, in particular).


Running Detox (on iOS) requires the following:

  • MacOS Catalina or newer

  • Xcode v12.x or newer (v13 support - see here), with Xcode command-line tools installed

    Xcode can be installed from the App Store, or downloaded directly from Apple Developer


Install the Latest Version of Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS, used to install other command line tools.

To ensure everything needed for Homebrew tool installation is installed, run

xcode-select --install

Install applesimutils

A collection of utils for Apple simulators, Detox uses it to query and communicate with the simulator.

brew tap wix/brew
brew install applesimutils

Note: Make sure to periodically update your version of applesimutils to the latest version.