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Submitting Pull Requests


Before creating a PR, it's recommended to consult with the Detox collaborators. Request a design review or assistance with planning the tests to ensure alignment with project goals.

Contact us on our Discord Server or open an issue on GitHub.

Fork the Repository

  • Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
  • Create a new branch from the master branch for your work.

Test Your Changes

Being a testing framework, Detox is a highly self-tested project. Be sure to add/fix test coverage over your work, by running the various test flavors associated with your changes. You can review them, here.

Modify Documentation

If your changes affect the public API, update the documentation accordingly to reflect your changes. Refer to the Documentation Changes page for guidelines.

Commit Message Guidelines

Write descriptive, meaningful commit messages that follow the Conventional Commits format, specifying the type of change, the scope, and a concise description. For example:

fix(ios): resolve crash on scrolling in iOS 17.0
feat(android): add new API for setting the device locale
test: update unit tests for new utility function

More details on good commit messages can be found here.

Open the Pull Request

  • Fill in the provided PR template fields on GitHub.
  • Provide a clear description of your changes and any necessary context.