This is a quick example of how to use our basic components, modifiers and presets to generate a good looking screen.
For detailed information please go over the other sections: Style, Modifiers, Components...
Live Editor
function Example(props) { return ( <div> <View flex center> <Text blue50 text20 marginB-s5> Welcome </Text> <SegmentedControl segments={[{label: 'Register'}, {label: 'Login'}]} /> <View marginT-s5> <TextField preset="outline" placeholder="username" /> <TextField preset="outline" placeholder="password" secureTextEntry grey10 /> </View> <View row marginT-s5 centerV> <Button link text70 orange30 label="Sign Up" marginR-s5 /> <Button text70 white background-orange30 label="Login" /> </View> </View> </div> ); }