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Testkits allows us to test components without knowing the internal implementation, making it easier to test and reduce over head from migrations and changes in implementation. For example:

  • Changing the input of a TextField component can be done using the driver's changeText
  • Pressing a button could be achieved using the Button driver's press function.

How to use the testkits#

Initializing the driver#

In order to initialize a test driver you pass it the renderTree and the component's testId as an object.


Suppose we have a form that takes a first name, last name and an address and we want to test the submitting of this form. Our form component will look something like this:

import {Button, TextField, View} from '@wix/wix-react-native-ui-lib';
type OnSubmitHandler = (firstName: string, lastName: string, address: string) => void;const MyForm = (props: {onSubmit: OnSubmitHandler}) => {  const {onSubmit} = props;  const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState('');  const [lastName, setLastName] = useState('');  const [address, setAddress] = useState('');  return (    <View>      <TextField label="First name" onChangeText={(value) => setFirstName(value)} value={firstName}/>      <TextField label="Last name" onChangeText={(value) => setLastName(value)} value={lastName}/>      <TextField label="Address" onChangeText={(value) => setAddress(value)} value={address}/>      <Button label="Submit" onPress={() => onSubmit(firstName, lastName, address)}/>    </View>  );};

Testing our flow#

In order to test our flow we would do the following steps:#

  1. Import the TextField and Button driver from UI-LIB's testkit
import {TextFieldDriver, ButtonDriver} from '@wix/react-native-ui-lib/testkit';
  1. render our test case
const renderTree = render(<MyForm onSubmit={onSubmit}/>);
  1. Initialize our drivers for the TextFields and submit button
const firstNameDriver = TextFieldDriver({renderTree, testID: 'firstName'});const lastNameDriver = TextFieldDriver({renderTree, testID: 'lastName'});const addressDriver = TextFieldDriver({renderTree, testID: 'address'});const submitBtnDriver = ButtonDriver({renderTree, testID: 'submit'});
  1. Change the text of the fields and submit the form.
firstNameDriver.changeText('Musa');lastNameDriver.changeText('The Man');addressDriver.changeText('Yunitzman 5');;
  1. Check that the correct values were passed to the submit handler
expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Musa', 'The Man', 'Yunitzman 5');
Full test
describe('My Form', () => {  it('should submit MyForm with Musa The Man, Yunitzman 5', () => {    const onSubmit = jest.fn();    const renderTree = render(<MyForm onSubmit={onSubmit}/>);    const firstNameDriver = TextFieldDriver({renderTree, testID: 'firstName'});    const lastNameDriver = TextFieldDriver({renderTree, testID: 'lastName'});    const addressDriver = TextFieldDriver({renderTree, testID: 'address'});    const submitBtnDriver = ButtonDriver({renderTree, testID: 'submit'});    firstNameDriver.changeText('Musa');    lastNameDriver.changeText('The Man');    addressDriver.changeText('Yunitzman 5');;    expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Musa', 'The Man', 'Yunitzman 5');  });});