Use ThemeManager
to set default global behavior for your app.
Set default props for a component by passing an object or a callback (for dynamic, runtime default props)
The default value will be overridden if a prop is being passed to the component instance (see setComponentForcedTheme
for that).
ThemeManager.setComponentTheme(componentName, defaultPropsObject);
ThemeManager.setComponentTheme(componentName, componentProps => newDefaultPropsObject);
import {ThemeManager} from 'react-native-ui-lib';
ThemeManager.setComponentTheme('Text', {
text70: true, // will set the text70 typography modifier prop to be true by default
grey10: true, // will set the grey10 color modifier prop to be true by default
ThemeManager.setComponentTheme('Button', (props, context) => {
return {
// this will apply a different backgroundColor
// depending on whether the Button has an outline or not
backgroundColor: props.outline ? 'black' : 'green',
Same as setComponentTheme
, but can't be overridden by props passed to the component.
ThemeManager.setComponentForcedTheme('Card', (props, context) => {
return {
containerStyle: [styles.defaultContainerStyle, props.containerStyle]